One day cruise with children - What to look out for? | One Day Cruise

One day cruise with children - What to look out for?

Even a day trip can turn into a whole preparation campaign when young children take part in it. This is because as parents, you need to anticipate everything your angels may need during the day. Here you will read everything you will need on a one-day cruise of One Day Cruise in the islands of the Saronic Gulf with your children to have a day without surprises.

A change of clothes

Children run, play, can get dirty. Therefore a change of clothes is always necessary when you are going to spend many hours away from home. A bag with a pair of pants or a suit, a blouse, a sweatshirt, a second pair of shoes, socks and maybe a second jacket, if it is cold, is necessary. In general, keep in mind that for what the child is wearing, you need to have a corresponding spare piece. In summer things are easier and clothes less. But again a light jacket, even a blanket for the afternoon return to the ship may not be lost.

Healthy snacks

Although on the One Day Cruise you can find everything from food, it is helpful to have your children's favorite snacks with you. It can be a cereal bar, a fruit juice, a packet of crackers, rice wafers, nuts or a few fruits. Make sure everything you take with you does not deteriorate in your bag. Also, it is good for children's snacks to not contain sugar, aromas and preservatives and to be filling, so that they do not constantly ask you for food.

A thermos with water

In order not to look for water at any time, take your child's thermos with you. Of course you can also find water on the cruise ship. However, while you are walking, you may find yourself in a place where you can not easily find bottled water.

Mini pharmacy

In order not to turn an adventure into a day trip with the children, you have with you a small pharmacy for an emergency. A pack of patches, mosquito repellent and sunscreen, ammonia for stings, gauze, a painkiller, tissues and wet antiseptic wipes are not unnecessary. And may they not be needed at all!


Of course you can not take all the children's toys with you for one day. But a small toy, a book or a painting block with a few colors will keep your children happy and creative on board.

Tags: One Day Cruise, kids friendly vacation, Family