The history of nuts from Greece | One Day Cruise

The history of nuts from Greece

Nuts have been popular since ancient Greece. Today they are still consumed in the context of a balanced, healthy diet. In fact, since antiquity, large quantities of fruits were consumed, such as pistachios, walnuts, almonds, sesame and chestnuts. Some of them, like chestnuts, are considered superfoods.

Nuts in antiquity

The ancient Greeks ate nuts for snacks, but also used them in many of their dishes. They believed that they promote the overall health of the body, but also the clarity of the mind and the wisdom of the mind.

They used to eat dried fruits, which were also considered very nutritious snacks. They were the so-called slums that were consumed as desserts or accompanied the drinking of wine during the banquets.

Nuts, then, were a staple food of the ancient Greeks. But some peoples had associated them with strange beliefs. According to the Persians, five almonds before consuming wine, prevented drunkenness and its unpleasant consequences. They also believed that almonds repelled witches and could increase breast milk in breastfeeding women.

Nuts today

Today in our country, the areas with the largest production of nuts are located in central Greece. These are the prefectures of Fthiotida, Magnesia, Larissa and Imathia and of course in Aegina, where the pistachio of Aegina is cultivated. The processing of nuts is done by companies that deal with all stages of production up to the final product that we find in the trade.

Tags: nuts, Mediterranean diet, Pistachio