2023: 3ήμερα και αργίες (Μέρος Β’)
Με σκοπό να αξιοποιήσουμε τις αργίες που προκύπτουν φέτος, ας δούμε τι επιλογές έχουμε για την Πρωτομαγιά και την αργία του Αγίου Πνεύματος, κάνοντας “ζέσταμα” για τις καλοκαιρινές μας διακοπές!
Με σκοπό να αξιοποιήσουμε τις αργίες που προκύπτουν φέτος, ας δούμε τι επιλογές έχουμε για την Πρωτομαγιά και την αργία του Αγίου Πνεύματος, κάνοντας “ζέσταμα” για τις καλοκαιρινές μας διακοπές!
Are you looking for an occasion for an one-day cruise in the islands of the Saronic Gulf? Here are some good ideas to get it done. So let's ... 4get started! 4 + 1 reasons for a cruise in the Saronic Gulf!
When it comes to a day trip, there are always special occasions to organize it. 4 + 1 reasons for a cruise in the Saronic Gulf, for which a one-day cruise in Hydra, Poros, Aegina could cover you completely.
Όταν πρόκειται για μια μονοήμερη εκδρομή, πάντα υπάρχουν ξεχωριστές αφορμές για να την οργανώσετε. 4+1 λόγοι για κρουαζιέρα στον Αργοσαρωνικό, για τους οποίους μια μονοήμερη κρουαζιέρα σε Ύδρα, Πόρο, Αίγινα θα μπορούσε να σας καλύψει απόλυτα.
You will think that in case of a one-day cruise you will not need to take many things with you. If you decide to take a trip to the nearby Saronic islands, Hydra, Poros and Aegina with the One Day Cruise, here you will find some tips for an unforgettable one-day cruise!
For someone who is visiting Athens for the first time, the sights he can see as well as the activities are varied. If you are on holiday in Athens, you have probably already done your research and decided how to spend your time. But do not miss a day trip from Athens to the Greek islands. If you can not choose then the best option is a one-day cruise with One Day Cruise that will take you to 3 islands: Hydra, Poros and Aegina. Here are the 6 reasons for a one-day cruise from Athens!
Για κάποιον που επισκέφτεται 1η φορά την Αθήνα τα αξιοθέατα που μπορεί να δει καθώς και οι δραστηριότητες είναι ποικίλες. Εάν είστε διακοπές στην Αθήνα, πιθανότατα έχετε κάνει ήδη την έρευνά σας και έχετε αποφασίσει πώς θα περάσετε το χρόνο σας. Όμως μην παραλείψετε και μια ημερήσια εκδρομή από την Αθήνα στα ελληνικά νησιά. Αν δε μπορείτε να διαλέξετε τότε η καλύτερη επιλογή είναι μια μονοήμερη κρουαζιέρα με την One Day Cruise που θα σας ταξιδέψει σε 3 νησιά: Ύδρα, Πόρο και Αίγινα. Εδώ οι 6 λόγοι για μονοήμερη κρουαζιέρα από την Αθήνα!
Marriage proposal: done!
Announcement to parents, friends and relatives: done!
Church closure: done!
Wedding dress, bouquet and suit: done!
But what will make this unique day for you equally special for your favorite guests? You want your wedding reception to be original. But at the same time be sure that everything is studied to the last detail so that nothing spoils your mood. Have you considered having a different wedding party on the One Day Cruise cruise ship?
If you're looking for a quick getaway from Athens, a one-day cruise is an excellent option. Not only is it affordable, but it's also a great way to explore the Greek coastline and soak up some sun.
It is a fact that everyone has missed a day trip due to travel restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. But if you are now making a list of the destinations you would like to visit, do not forget to include Aegina. Just an hour and a half from the port of Piraeus and less if you prefer the dolphin. Aegina is full of images that will be unforgettable. And that is why it is considered the ideal day trip from Athens.
There are countless things to do for anyone who visits Athens for the first time.
If you are expecting your baby soon, you know that soon your whole life will change. You will dedicate yourself to it and in fact for a few months only to it! Until then, however, you can do many things to have a nice and carefree time. We recommend babymoon & baby shower on board. Always with the consent of your doctor.
Αν περιμένετε προσεχώς το μωράκι σας, γνωρίζετε ότι σύντομα η ζωή σας όλη θα αλλάξει. Θα αφοσιωθείτε σε αυτό και μάλιστα για κάποιους μήνες μόνο σε αυτό! Μέχρι τότε όμως, μπορείτε να κάνετε πολλά πράγματα για να περάσετε όμορφα και ανέμελα. Εμείς προτείνουμε babymoon & baby shower εν πλω. Πάντα με τη σύμφωνη γνώμη του γιατρού σας.
When it comes to summer vacations, there are many who choose a short, multi-day or even one-day cruise. If you live in Athens, the options are many, depending on the time you have and the money you want to spend. You can choose cruises from Athens to the Eastern Aegean, the islands of the Saronic Gulf and the Dalmatian Coast.
A day trip with your children just outside Athens sounds like a great idea. Especially if they go to school or go through adolescence, the outing can be educational as well as entertaining. Find here some ideas for family excursions with older children full of action, training and adventure.
It is true that a cruise is not pleasant for everyone. Some enjoy the hours they spend on a cruise ship. But some others look forward to arrive at a port!
Choosing a One Day Cruise's cruise is the only sure thing that you will not get bored for a minute.
Holidays and cruises are perfectly combined for an unforgettable summer experience. As long as you plan it carefully in advance, even if it is a one-day cruise with the One Day Cruise. How will you organize your cruise? See the steps you need to follow.
Although this year Valentine's Day falls on a Monday, this does not need to discourage you from celebrating it properly. After all, it's a great opportunity to get closer to your partner. Here are some ideas on what you can do to make your stay unforgettable.
When we only have a few days at our disposal either for a vacation or a short break and want to change shows, everyone's thoughts turn to a nearby destination. The Argosaronic islands are ideal options for such a thing. For example, Hydra or Poros? What would you choose?